
The Geological Society of London selects PaperStack for easy and comprehensive peer review reporting

(May 2024)

The Geological Society announced today that they have adopted DataSalon's PaperStack service to provide their editorial team with a comprehensive, and highly flexible, reporting suite - covering selected aspects of the peer review process across their portfolio of journals and book series.

PaperStack provides API integration with the Aries Editorial Manager system used by the Geological Society - the publisher simply arranged API access, and DataSalon took care of everything involved in harvesting and linking up the data, as well as enhancing it with industry data from ROR, Funder Registry, ORCID, and Crossref.

Oxford University Press adopts PaperStack for comprehensive editorial reporting

(Sep 2023)

DataSalon has today announced a new agreement with Oxford University Press (OUP) for the adoption of its PaperStack service. By adopting the service, OUP will be enabled to provide instant insights into its peer review process and enhance its source data with industry data from Ringgold, Funder Registry, ORCID, and Crossref.

PaperStack provides 'out-of-the-box' integration with ScholarOne and Editorial Manager, both of which are used by OUP to manage its journal submissions. Using tried-and-tested API integrations, DataSalon took care of harvesting, linking and enhancing the data to create a single unified view of all submissions across both systems, allowing detailed reporting across OUP's journals in one place.

Case Study: ROR in DataSalon's MasterVision and PaperStack

(May 2023)

In January of 2022, we announced a full integration of ROR into our scholarly publishing analytics products MasterVision and PaperStack. Our Client Services Director Andy Dobson sat down with ROR to tell them all about how DataSalon draws on fifteen years of data experience to match organizational affiliations in publisher data to ROR IDs.

DataSalon launches visual tracking of rejected journal articles

(Apr 2023)

DataSalon's PaperStack service now includes an interactive visual report which makes it easy for publishers to understand the fate of all rejected articles, providing users with instant insights into if, where, and when rejected articles are later published elsewhere.

The PaperStack rejected article tracking module was introduced to address the issue that journal publishers often have little knowledge of the ultimate outcome for submissions they reject. When the module is enabled, all rejected articles from a publisher's entire journal portfolio are automatically tracked in Crossref to identify if they are later published elsewhere and if so when, in which journal, and with which publisher.

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics selects DataSalon for easy access to business intelligence

(Feb 2023)

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) announced today the adoption of DataSalon's MasterVision platform in order to better understand their customer data and revenue streams and how they fit together and impact each other. MasterVision joins up all of SIAM's different datasets to put them into a context not available in the separate systems from which these datasets come. And because it is fully customisable to the individual publisher, MasterVision has the flexibility to include not only SIAM's core submissions, subscriptions, sales, usage and denials data, but also additional customer data such as members, student chapters, conferences and donations.

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. selects PaperStack for easy and comprehensive peer review reporting

(Jan 2023)

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. announced today that they have adopted DataSalon's PaperStack service to provide editorial and peer review teams with a comprehensive reporting suite - covering all aspects of the peer review process and providing cross-journal reporting across their 100+ peer-reviewed journals.

PaperStack provides API integration with the ScholarOne journal management system used by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. - the publisher simply arranged API access, and DataSalon took care of everything involved in harvesting and linking up the data, as well as enhancing it with industry data from ROR, Funder Registry, ORCID, and Crossref.

DataSalon launches new advanced search for PaperStack and MasterVision

(Oct 2022)

DataSalon announced today the addition of a new advanced search interface in both PaperStack (comprehensive editorial reporting) and MasterVision (single customer view), services trusted by many leading publishers for user-friendly insight and reporting. The advanced search makes it easy for users to build up potentially complex searches step by step. The new improved version lets users create queries in a quicker and more intuitive way, adding fields and values via a user-friendly interface.

DataSalon launches major redesign of MasterVision service

(Jun 2022)

DataSalon announced today a major redesign of their flagship product, MasterVision, creating consistency across their product portfolio and improving accessibility for those using it on tablets and mobile devices.

The redesign brings MasterVision in line with DataSalon's newer PaperStack service, which is beneficial to those publishers using both products. It has enabled DataSalon to pull into MasterVision features that have already been tried and tested in PaperStack, such as smart content loading and a responsive design which ensures that each page of the site displays in the best way for the screen width available. Smart content loading is invaluable in a service like MasterVision which is based on so many large data tables. Each of these is now displayed as a single scrollable table - without any negative effect on performance, because only the data actually seen on the screen is downloaded at any one time.

DataSalon adds rejected article tracking to PaperStack service

(May 2022)

DataSalon announced today the launch of a major new module for its PaperStack service, allowing editorial staff to track rejected articles to discover if, where, and when they are later published elsewhere.

The subsequent fate of rejected submissions is often unknown to journal publishers. But a third or more are likely to end up being published elsewhere, and understanding where those rejected articles end up provides valuable insights many publishers miss out on. In particular, when some submissions end up with reputable competitor journals, might they instead have been transferred to an alternative journal within the publisher's own portfolio?

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From Our Blog

Are your rejected articles being highly cited elsewhere? PaperStack's rejected article tracking module enables editorial staff to discover the fate of articles rejected by their journals. But how valuable are articles lost in this way? We've now added a new report that allows you to view and analyse citation counts for rejected articles.

DataSalon's secret sauce revealed. Both of DataSalon's core services, MasterVision and PaperStack, join together data from multiple sources for complete insight into customer activity and the publishing process. The 'sauce' that brings together all these 'ingredients' and enriches the whole is automatic matching of records to a reference data set.

DataSalon in numbers. Given that data analysis is fundamental to DataSalon's business, it's not surprising that we like our statistical facts and figures, and here we thought we'd share some about DataSalon itself.

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